mpgmpg0420 member profile on

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  • Birthday: April 10, 1975
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  • Age: 49
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  • Orientation: Gay
  • About Me:

    love cars. I love the smell of gas. I sing in my car and the shower. I\'m very emotional. My feelings get hurt easily. I love popcorn!!! I do not choose to be a common man. It is my right to be uncommon. I seek to develop whatever talents God gave me. I like Pottery Barn. I love hugs. Revolving doors scare me. My friends mean the world to me. I laugh when there\'s nothing to laugh about and I smile for no reason. I love the Ocean. Hate staying in one place for a long time. I hope to live to see the day there is a cure for Cancer and Aids. I love driving with the windows down all year round. I love horses. I hate complainers. I have a little drama every now and then despite how much I hate it. I find it funny how people can say they live want to live drama free when that is nearly impossible and no way to live your life let alone learn any valuable lessons in life. I may seem shy, but that doesn\'t mean I have nothing to say. I appreciate the smaller things in life that some people take for granted like compliments. I do have issues every now and then and would consider myself honest and genuine.

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